5 Questions To Ask When Choosing an El Paso Family Lawyer

A gavel between an El Paso family lawyer and a couple.

Finding the right El Paso family lawyer for your family law matter can feel overwhelming and stressful. However, a professional and skilled El Paso family lawyer can help guide you to a successful resolution. Hiring the right family lawyer will give you confidence that they will take your case seriously, and work with your best […]

Reached the End of the Road? Here’s What to Know About Getting a Divorce in Texas 

A couple sitting on a couch after deciding to get a divorce

If you’re reading this, you may have already exhausted other options. You’ve thought about this for a long time. You’ve considered it and done whatever soul searching was necessary. And perhaps you are now considering the difficult decisions of parting with your partner. It’s not an easy decision. An experienced and qualified divorce lawyer can […]

What Happens to the Pets During a Divorce?

Divorces can be messy and sometimes, it can be difficult to determine who gets what, such as collectibles or the house. It can be especially messy if kids are involved, but what about pets? Here’s what you need to know about what happens to pets during a divorce, from a divorce lawyer. Pets are Typically […]