U.S. Child Support Laws and How They Have Changed Through the Years 

child support documents next to a gable

Country demographics have changed considerably in the last 100 years. Child support laws began in some form or another around 1950. In the mid-seventies, the divorce rate was about 20%. It was around the same time that no-fault divorce laws were established in many states. This meant that divorce could happen by mutual consent. And […]

Child Support Law In Texas

family cheering up woman on therapy session by female counselor in office

In the unfortunate situation that someone needs child support, it can be helpful to know the basics of the law. Child support may be needed after a divorce or when two parents split in a non-married relationship. Each state has different laws, so it’s important to know what the laws in Texas are specifically. In […]

How a Child Custody Lawyer Can Guide the Way

In Texas, child custody laws may seem difficult to navigate. For this reason, it’s best to team up with a child custody lawyer in order to successfully traverse the murky waters of custody law. A lawyer can provide the legal counsel your require in order to achieve the desired result at the end of the […]

The Child Support Litigation Process

a mother holding the hand of toddler as they walk into the sunset

Going through a divorce and raising a child while divorced from their other parent can be, well, difficult. Child support is a good way to ensure both parents, no matter how strained their relationship with each other might be, have enough financial support to care for the child. However, when one repeatedly doesn’t pay or […]

Questioning Child Support?

Either by divorce or not, the protection of your child expenses is very important for us, being a single parent household is not easy, here are the procedures we will take in order to guarantee you the monetary protection you are seeking for your children. You can seek child support with an emergency basis before […]