Quiñonez Law Firm

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(915) 533-0009

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Taking the Emotion Out: Working with a Divorce Lawyer

A Divorce Petition and White Gold Wedding BandDid you know in 2016, there were 827,261 divorces in the United States according to the CDC? That’s nearly a million divorces in one year…and that number shows no sign of going down, especially as statistics show divorces are becoming more and more common. It wouldn’t be shocking if 2018 is the year we hit one million divorces.

Going through a divorce is a trying time. Psychologists equate the emotional toll to the same, if not worse, of somebody close to you dying. In fact, the emotional aftermath is so great for many people that significant weight gain or loss, hair loss, and fatigue are common.

If you and your spouse are divorcing, the Quinonez Law Firm can help you sort through the legal matters and take the emotion out of getting things in order.

Why Work With a Divorce Lawyer?

Working with a lawyer not only takes the emotion out of filing for divorce but can also ensure you fill everything out accurately, avoiding any problems in the future and making sure the process goes smoothly. A divorce lawyer will be able to help you with alimony, child support, child custody, the division of property, and other important matters during the process.

What Does the Process Look Like?

In the state of Texas, it is important to know the legal grounds for divorce because you will be required to establish those. You will also need to determine who will be paying child support, what child custody will look like (if you have children), and how you will divide up your possessions since Texas is a community property state. Being a community property state, your belongings are evenly distributed between you and your spouse.

Other important things you should know include:

  • You must know what county you need to file in. In El Paso, you’ll most likely file in the El Paso county but be sure to check before doing so.
  • There is a 60-day waiting period, so be patient.
  • You will have to go before a judge so he or she can look over your divorce decree, even if the decree is uncontested by your former spouse.
  • If you or your spouse is pregnant, the state of Texas makes you wait until after the baby is born to file for divorce, even if the baby has a different father.

Call the Quinonez Law Firm in El Paso

If you and your spouse have decided to make the difficult decision to get a divorce, we can help you through the process. We take the emotion out and help to ensure everything is done correctly. Call us today!

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