Quiñonez Law Firm

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(915) 533-0009

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18 Wheeler Accident Attorney in El Paso

Supporting You After Your El Paso Truck Accident

Some of the most devastating accidents in Texas include large vehicles like 18-wheeler trucks and tractor-trailers. In the US, more than 500,000 trucking accidents occur each year, resulting in about 5,000 deaths and thousands of injuries. 

If you’ve been hurt in an accident involving a semi-truck or any other large commercial vehicle, you need to contact an experienced 18-wheeler accident attorney! Quiñonez Law Firm is ready to help.

To begin working on your El Paso truck accident case, contact our firm today at (915) 533-0009!

Truck Accidents Should be Taken Seriously

About one in eight traffic deaths in the US involve an 18-wheeler, tractor-trailer, or semi-truck. Many of these accidents occur because the truck driver can’t see the cars in their blind spot. Other times, there is a problem with the vehicle or the driver is negligent. In these cases, the truck driver or the trucking company should be held responsible.

Often, commercial truck drivers are not following the rules of the road or are driving recklessly. Other times, the driver was not properly trained or certified to be driving the vehicle. Despite heavy regulations, some of these accidents are a result of the truck driver driving while fatigued. This is especially common in cities like El Paso, where many truck drivers pass through on long routes. 

As such, it’s necessary to work with an El Paso 18-wheeler accident attorney who has the experience you deserve. With our help, you’ll be able to recover from your injuries in peace and receive compensation for the damages you incurred. 

Our El Paso Commercial Truck Accident Attorney Can Help

Quiñonez Law Firm will help you determine if you are covered for your injuries, then we’ll work to get you the compensation you deserve. Insurance companies are not known for always paying medical bills fully and on time, so it’s to your advantage to work with an attorney. 

We will work tirelessly to hold those who are responsible accountable for their actions, whether that’s the driver, the truck company, the manufacturer of the truck, or even the insurance company.

Common Trucking Accident Injuries 

18-wheeler accidents, by their incredibly destructive nature, are often very damaging. The injuries can range from small cuts and abrasions to broken bones, large cuts, and even death. The extent of trucking accidents largely depends on the individual factors at play in each accident. 

The best way to reduce the likelihood of an accident or serious injury is to abide by speed limits and other traffic laws, as well as to maintain awareness of the other drivers around you. 

If you received injuries following a trucking accident, our 18-wheeler accident attorney can help you receive the compensation you deserve. Get in touch with our El Paso personal injury lawyer at (915) 533-0009 today

What to Do After a Texas Trucking Accident

If you or someone you know has been in an accident with an 18-wheeler or other large commercial truck, you need to get medical attention as soon as possible. Time is of the essence with these kinds of accidents, so you must contact paramedics quickly. If you’re physically unable to contact emergency services, then other drivers may be able to help. 

If possible, you will also want to exchange information with the truck operator and gather all the evidence you can from the accident that is safe to gather. Information and evidence you will want to gather includes:

  • Contact/Employment Information
  • Insurance Details 
  • Photos of the accident and surrounding area (if safe to do so) 

Once the authorities and required medical professionals have been contacted, you will then want to seek legal representation. Upon contacting our firm, we’ll delve into the circumstances of your truck accident and let you know where your case will go from here.

What to Expect in an El Paso 18 Wheeler Accident Case

18-wheeler accidents, like normal accidents, can be incredibly stressful to deal with. Unfortunately, any inconsistencies or problems will be used by the trucking and insurance companies against you. 

Once you contact our team, we will discuss the next steps with you.

Quick Facts About 18 Wheelers 

As we mentioned above, 18-wheeler accidents can be more devastating than normal accidents. Below, we’ve compiled a few facts explaining how and why these dangerous accidents occur: 

  • Large trucks take 40-50% more time to stop than the average small car. 
  • The most common 18-wheeler accidents are rollover, jackknife, and tire blowout accidents. 
  • Many 18-wheeler accidents are caused by driver fatigue, driver error, and improper maintenance, among other causes. 

FAQs About 18 Wheel Accidents in El Paso

How are 18-wheeler accidents different from normal accidents?

  • 18-wheeler accidents differ mainly because of the regulations and liabilities at play. In 18-wheeler accidents, the trucking company, insurance company, and driver all share some degree of liability outlined by state and federal laws.  

Are trucks required to have black boxes? 

  • The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requires using electronic logging devices (ELDs) in commercial vehicles. Some companies also require using event data recorders (EDRs) which function similarly to black boxes in airplanes. 

How can I protect myself from 18-wheelers?

  • The best advice to avoid accidents is to stay vigilant and alert to the cars around and in front of you. Noticing behaviors like swerving or slow reaction times can alert you to poor or fatigued drivers. 

Since these types of accidents can be more complex than other accidents, it’s important to hire an experienced truck accident attorney who knows the law and your rights. Quiñonez Law Firm has 18-wheeler accident attorneys ready to work with you! 

Contact El Paso’s Top Truck Accident Lawyer Today! 

Don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of by the trucking company or your insurance company. At Quiñonez Law Firm, we will ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve so that you can recover and move forward with your life. Trust us to fight on your behalf. Call us today

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